Exploring the Menu Bar

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The Menu Bar
If you want your application to provide a set of commands to users, menus offer a convenient and consistent way to group commands and an easy way for users to access them.The standard menus availabale in VB are
  • File contains the commands for opening and saving projects and creating executable files and a list of recent projects
  • Edit contains editing commands(e.g,Undo,Copy,Paste)plaus a number of commands for formatting and editing your code(e.g, Find,Replace)
  • View contains commands for showing or hiding components of the IDE
  • Project contains commands that add components to the current project, references to windows objects and new tools to the Toolbox
  • Format contains commands for aligning the controls on the Form
  • Debug contains the usual debugging commands
  • Run contains the commands that start, break, and end execution of the current application
  • Query contains commands that simplifies the design  of SQL queries. this menu is available when building database applications.
  • Diagram contains commands for editing database diagrams.this menu is available when building database applications.
  • Tools contains tools you need in building ActiveX Components and ActiveX controls.
  • Add-Ins contains add-ins that you can add and remove as  needed. By default, only the Visual Data Manager Add-in is installed in this menu.
  • Window is  the standard Window menu of an application that contains commands to arrange windows on the screen.
  • Help contains information to help you as you work