Intrinsic Controls

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The following table summarizes the intrinsic controls found in the Visual Basic toolbox.
Icon Control name Class name Description
Check box CheckBox Displays a True/False or Yes/No option. You can check any number of check boxes on a form at one time.
Combo box ComboBox Combines a text box with a list box. Allows a user to type in a selection or select an item from a drop-down list.
Command button CommandButton Carries out a command or action when a user chooses it.
Data Data Enables you to connect to an existing database and display information from it on your forms.
Directory list box DirListBox Displays and allows a user to select directories and paths.
Drive list box DriveListBox Displays and allows a user to select valid disk drives.
File list box FileListBox Displays and allows a user to select from a list of files.
Frame Frame Provides a visual and functional container for controls.
Horizontal and vertical scroll bars HScrollBar and VScrollBar Allow a user to add scroll bars to controls that do not automatically provide them. (These are not the same as the built-in scroll bars found with many controls.)
Image Image Displays bitmaps, icons, or Windows metafiles, JPEG, or GIF files; acts like a command button when clicked.
Label Label Displays text a user cannot interact with or modify.
Line Line Adds a straight-line segment to a form.
List box ListBox Displays a list of items that a user can choose from.
OLE container OLE Embeds data into a Visual Basic application.
Option button OptionButton The Option Button control, as part of an option group with other option buttons, displays multiple choices, from which a user can choose only one.
Picture box PictureBox Displays bitmaps, icons, or Windows metafiles, JPEG, or GIF files. It also displays text or acts as a visual container for other controls.
Shape Shape Adds a rectangle, square, ellipse, or circle to a form, frame, or picture box.
Text box TextBox Provides an area to enter or display text.
Timer Timer Executes timer events at specified time intervals.

Note   The pointer tool (the first tool in the toolbox) provides a way to move and resize forms and controls. It is not a control.